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A Monster Act, Story Of A Hippo Family

Kids, have a great time

Wandering through the wilderness, the hippo family discovered a new pond. The hippo family consisted of a mother and her two kids, who needed to find a place to cool their large bodies and finally found a good pond. The kids loved their new having and were having a great time. It’s time to cool their body under the hot sun.

A lion came to drink water. The hippos were submerged in the water. When they saw the lion, all of a sudden hippos made a sudden appearance. The scared lion thought it was a monster attack and ran away. Hippo’s mother and kids laughed at the lion.

The hippo family was playing this trick of sudden appearance from the pond to keep other animals out of their pond. A kind of selfish act. They played this trick every time an animal came to drink water from the pond. The animals had a meeting to discuss the monster.

The brave king lion went to the pond to see what was happening inside the pond. When he came there, the hippos suddenly made an appearance. But the king was brave and stood there. The hippos realized that their trick would no longer work.

“Why are you scaring other animals? All animals have the authority to drink water from this pond,” said the king lion.

“Your majesty, we struggled a lot in the hot summer. We need this pond to cool our bodies, or we will die. We will allow other animals to drink water from the pond,” said the hippo mother.

The king lion was happy. He invited all animals to the pond to introduce the new hippo family. Everybody was delighted to meet the new family.

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