Banjo, the monkey, always had a fresh piece of banana in his hand. He never shared the bananas with other monkeys.
When his friends asked Banjo where he was getting the bananas, he would not tell them. He acted selfishly and said it was just for him.
Where Is Banjo?
One day, Banjo was missing. Even after the sunset, Banjo didn’t return to its home. Everybody was worried about Banjo. Where Banjo had gone missing? They had no clue.
So, his friends formed a search group. They started combing the forest, searching for Banjo. After several hours of searching, they found Banjo sitting before a tiger, trembling with fear. Still he had banana on his hand, but couldn’t eat it. The tiger was sitting there staring at the monkey, waiting for his friends to come to have dinner eating the monkey.
Banjo’s friends had to act quickly. They had drums, which they got from the village. All the monkeys started beating their drums, with all their strength. The tiger was frightened hearing the loud sound of the drum beats, and ran away, leaving Bingo. The tiger thought that some monster was attacking him.
Banjo was freed. He climbed the trees and escaped with other monkeys. Back home, Banjo started weeping.
“Hey, why are you crying?” his friends asked.
“You guys helped me, even though I was selfish. Now I will tell you where I am getting bananas,” Banjo said. Banjo took them to the place where he was getting bananas. Everybody ate bananas to their heart’s content. All were happy with Banjo. The monkeys celebrated their friendship by singing, dancing, and eating bananas.
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